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Sustainable development of territories is now the main challenge of our society. Low-density territories face new opportunities related to valorization and management of natural ecosystems and agro-forestry, production of food and environmental services vital to everyone. But also face the risks associated with a lower qualification of its human capital, which for decades was being depleted by the departure of the younger and more qualified. What new approaches and new forms of motivation may help overcome obstacles and to take advantage of new opportunities for development?
Increasingly, we know that the territories and regions most successful are those that combine some features:

(1) a broad and concerted participation of citizens, businesses, civil society organizations and public administrations in the management and exploitation of the territories;
(2) enterprising people with initiative, creativity and commitment in finding solutions and innovations that contribute to generate more wealth, better quality of life and better environment;
(3) a permanent opening to the world and its trends of change, anticipating new opportunities and new risks, and incorporating new techniques and knowledge that are relevant to the local and regional context.

The accomplishment of this Congress part of a central motivation: to bring together a diverse set of people and organizations concerned with the development of our rural areas and our region, mobilizing them to the new dynamics of cooperation and innovation for development. How? Presenting projects and case studies innovative and successful in Portugal and Europe to serve as inspiration and support to local processes of development.

The Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Ardal, CIM-Alto Minho and incubating decided to pool their efforts and in coordination with the project POLIEMPREENDE organize this 1st International Congress on "Entrepreneurship and Territory Sustainable Development". The Organizing Committee had also the collaboration of a wide range of organizations affiliated to the Consultative Committee of Congress.
Adopting an integrative approach and focus on areas of low density Northwestern Portuguese, defined four main themes:

AXIS 1: Local Products: Traditions and Innovations
AXIS 2: Landscape and Environmental Services
AXIS 3: Recreational Enhancement of rural areas
AXIS 4: Leveraging competitiveness in the Low Density Territories

It is the expectation of the Organizing Committee that the Congress can become a space for sharing and discussion, and mobilization to help generate new dynamics and processes towards a more harmonious and sustainable development of our territories.


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